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Prepare for a Snowstorm

By Travelers Risk Control

The ideal time to get ready for a snowstorm is long before one is in the forecast. Winter storms can bring cold temperatures, icy roads, power failures and a loss of communication services. Such conditions bring safety challenges, so you’ll want to plan ahead.

Here are...

Read More: Prepare for a Snowstorm

Holiday Decoration Safety Tips to Consider

One of the most enjoyable parts of the holiday season is decorating your home. From the twinkle of holiday lights to the smell of fresh pine needles, holiday decorations can create a festive, fun and memorable season in your home.

Unfortunately, these decorations may potentially cause injuries or pose as...

Read More: Holiday Decoration Safety Tips to Consider

How to prevent Fall fire?

As the fall season brings cooler temperatures outside, inside things are warming up. During the fall and winter months fire hazards in your home or business stem largely from heating the space. According to the American Red Cross there is even a drastic increase in the amount of US house...

Read More: How to prevent Fall fire?

How to winterize your home?

When the temperature begins to drop, consider these maintenance and end-of-season tasks that will help you winterize your home and protect your property.

We’ve gathered 10 simple tips for tasks like winterizing your home water pipes, avoiding heat loss and expensive energy bills, and using warm air to your advantage...

Read More: How to winterize your home?

Moral Hazard

Moral Hazards

Let’s talk about morality. No, not about you are religious or vegan or what not… I’m talking about insurance morality. In the financial world (insurance included), there exists an ambiguous phrase: moral hazard.

In general...

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Pet Insurance? Yes!

Pet Insurance?

No, pet insurance is not a joke. In 2022, maintaining a pet’s health can cost an arm and a leg, and not just for the pet. Radiation treatment and tumor removal could each cost $5,000. Arthritis medication...

Read More: Pet Insurance? Yes!

Smart Money Saves Money

Smart Money Saves Money

Too often do people look at insurance and strictly see a waste of money. Utilizing insurance can greatly benefit your life, financially and personally (The biggest example that many of you may have heard of...

Read More: Smart Money Saves Money

When Should I Review My Home Insurance Coverage?

Insurance is an important part of being a homeowner. Not only does it protect you from damages caused by things like fire and vandalism, but it can also protect your personal property or additional structures like garages, and provide liability coverage.

But when is it time to review your coverages?...

Read More: When Should I Review My Home Insurance Coverage?